Tutorial: Optical Pump Terahertz Probe (OPTP) and Time Resolved THz Spectroscopy (TRTS)

Optical Pump Terahertz Probe (OPTP) and Time Resolved Terahertz Spectroscopy (TRTS) of emerging solar materials, published in APL Photonics 8, 071103 (2023)

THz radiation is sensitive to conductivity in materials. This can be leveraged to explore electrical properties of emerging materials. Additionally, THz radiation is coherently generated from a fs laser pulse. This laser pulse can be split and also used to photoexcite a sample. Meaning we can simultaneously photoexcite a sample and measure its change in conductivity. This change in photoconductivity is measured with femtosecond time-precision providing an unmatched temporal resolution into photoconductivity. 

Leveraging optical pump THz probe (OPTP) we explore novel materials for their potential in solar applications. We study charge combination and trapping and in combination with other techniques can decipher what processes are limiting the photoconductivity; a crucial first step to overcome them and develop the solar materials of the future.  Our novel spectrometer will combine femtosecond resolution with millisecond delay times covering the ultrafast range in which exciting physics takes place up to the long delay times that are most relevant for charge separation and extraction in photovoltaics. 

OPTP provides detailed dynamic insight. Additionally we can also measure the spectral responds at a given delay time. This technique is called time resolved THz spectroscopy (TRTS). TRTS photoconductivity measurements can be modeled with for example the Drude model to get a detailed insight into carrier scattering. Understanding scattering channels will lead us to optimizing material properties to improve the conductivity of novel materials.